EPOCA Workshop

Members of OFJ visits with Ex-prisoners and Prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement (E.P.O.C.A).  Notable for their CORI Reform, E.P.O.C.A. shares the same goals as OFJ.  They are ex-prisoners and felons, along with allies, friends and family, coming together to create resources and opportunities for those who have paid their debt to society…just as their mission statement reads.

OFJ members thought it would be lucrative to the organization to meet and collaborate with this organization, who is doing the same work.

What are they doing?

Registering to vote and organizing to change the systems that hold us
us back, such as CORI

Developing themselves as healthy, educated, strong individuals and
community leaders

Sharing the truth with youth to help them make positive decisions

Helping each other access the jobs and resources that are available
through the New Leaf Program

To learn more about E.P.O.C.A. and to read more about CORI visit www.exprisoners.org

The photos above are those of a 1.5 day workshop hosted by E.P.O.C.A.  The purpose was to collaborate with OFJ on ways in strengthning the organizations and to learn from one another.

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